Patient recruitment challenges for clinical trials Effective recruitment of patients is one of the most important ingredients for a successful clinical trial. Yet, today, 11% of clinical research sites fail to enroll even a single participant, and nearly 90% of clinical trials experience significant delays due to issues with patient recruitment. Over 40 years after Dr Louis Lasagna came up with his law
7 steps for successful clinical trial protocol design Ensuring clinical trial success begins with a well-designed study protocol. Clear, comprehensive and easy to understand are the core qualities of a good protocol. In this article Cromos Pharma offers its top tips for successful protocol design. GETTING IT RIGHT FROM THE START More than simply an instruction manual, the protocol serves many purposes and is the
A new era for clinical trials in Europe 2022 marks a new era for clinical trials in the EU as the European Commission’s Clinical Trials Regulation comes into effect. But what does it mean for sites, sponsors and the public? The long-awaited EU Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) came into effect last week on 31 January 2022. The CTR codifies existing guidance with regard to clinical trial regulation, sets it on a statutory setting, and adds new