eConsent and Clinical Trials Clinical research activities become possible when patient volunteers give their consent to participate in a trial. Informed consent, which was introduced as part of the “Nuremberg Code” in 1947, is the beginning of the relationship between a researcher and study participants. This important step gives participants all of the information that they need to know
Decentralized Clinical Trials. What does the future hold? Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift of dynamics towards decentralized clinical trials, rapidly accelerating the trend. Lockdowns, the redevelopment of medical facilities for COVID-19 treatment, and shortages of medical professionals, have complicated the manner in which traditional, fully centralized clinical trials are conducted. You could call the pandemic a
Cromos Pharma Highlights Psoriasis Awareness and Action Month August is Psoriasis Awareness and Action Month, which is aimed to educate people about psoriasis and to enlighten patients about its triggers and treatment methods. Cromos Pharma is using this opportunity to underline its commitment to supporting clinical trials to develop new and innovative treatments to improve the lives of millions of psoriasis sufferers around the world. Psoriasis