Wearable Devices for Remote Monitoring in Clinical Trials The uptake of remote monitoring is on the increase according to the latest data from GlobalData Healthcare. However, questions remain over how it should be regulated. The number of studies using remote monitoring methods, including wearables and tracking devices, has jumped from an average of 60 per year between 2010 and 2016, to more than 250
August is National Immunization Awareness Month- Cromos Pharma August is Immunization Awareness Month, which is aimed to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against diseases. The current COVID 19 pandemic demonstrates the value of vaccines and reminds us that they are some of the most powerful weapons that we have against a range of deadly diseases. Vaccines help
Decentralized Clinical Trials. What does the future hold? Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift of dynamics towards decentralized clinical trials, rapidly accelerating the trend. Lockdowns, the redevelopment of medical facilities for COVID-19 treatment, and shortages of medical professionals, have complicated the manner in which traditional, fully centralized clinical trials are conducted. You could call the pandemic a