With a population of over 330 million, a well-developed medical infrastructure, an ethnically diverse patient population, and the largest concentration of biotechnology and pharma companies, the United States remains the unequivocal leader and trendsetter in clinical research. Therefore, it is not surprising that half of the world’s clinical trials are conducted in the United States. In addition to the agile regulatory framework with fast initiation timelines, world-leading scientific minds, and high-quality clinical trial data, inclusion of US clinical sites is essential for drug registration with the FDA. Cromos Pharma has a strong track record of conducting clinical research in the US since 2018. Additionally, the company has a unique advantage of offering a balanced approach of including both US and ex-US clinical sites that helps accelerate recruitment and saves time and resources.
Preston Commons Center, 8117 Preston Road, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas, 75225, USA